Breaking Walls – An Emigrant/Immigrant journey through Southern Italy
April 20 / August 31, 2017

Breaking Walls
An emigrant/immigrant journey through Southern Italy

Paintings and Ceramics by William Papaleo

An exhibition at the Calandra Institute

April 20, 2017 through August 31, 2017

Opening reception Thursday, April 20, 6pm

Over twenty years ago, William Papaleo moved to Naples to practice the art he had learned in the U.S. A third-generation U.S. American with ancestors from Italy, Papaleo is different from most Italian American artists who use Italy to set up a sense of the past and reconnect to it through travel. Their art, more oſten than not focuses on the family and their own reactions to retiring to the home of their ancestors. What you find in Papaleo’s art is something new, something all other Italian Americans have not dealt with, and that is the role of the immigrant in today’s Italy. It is through art like this work, that we can we reach beyond the real, and sometime we even achieve the impossible.

– from Distinguished Professor Fred Gardaphe’s exhibition catalogue essay

The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
25 West 43rd Street, 17th floor
New York, NY 10036
Info: (212) 642-2094

For contact: Rosemary Serra